VI International Congress in Translational Medicine

The International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS) and the Milstein-Köhler Binational PhD Program welcomes you to the

DATE: 17th and 18th of October, 2023

As in previous congresses, the scientific program will include speakers from Universidad de Buenos Aires, University of Freiburg and special guests, who will present the latest developments and approaches in the translational medicine areas, such as Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pathophysiology, Oncology, Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology.
In this new edition we are pleased to invite you to the award ceremony of the honorary doctorate Prof. Dr. Thomas Christian Südhof, awarded Nobel Prize in Phisiology-Medicine in 2013 for his work in vesicle trafficking.
Our congress will also provide a great opportunity for IMBS or PhD students and young scientists to show their latest work in the poster session, where the most outstanding presentations will be awarded.
We’re looking forward sharing with you this event,

Prof. Dr. Pablo Evelson
Dean Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
​Director International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gelpi
Rector of Universidad de Buenos Aires
​Director International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner
Director International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)
University of Freiburg

The International Master Program in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS) is a joint Master Program between Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and University of Freiburg, Germany.

Now we are expanding into the Milstein-Kölher Binational PhD program, allowing students to become doctorates in the field of translational medicine.  

Learn more about the programs at


Please go to the congress website to know more about the ABSTRACT GUIDELINES and SUBMISSION.